The Morton CUSD 709 Foundation Fund

This fund was set up July 12, 2002 for the purpose of creating a permanent source of revenue specifically for Morton CUSD 709. This differs from the Morton Education Endowment Fund in that it must be used for the Morton School District only, while the Morton Education Fund can also give grants to private schools, parochial schools, and for educational purposes of any kind.

While one of the 5 initial funds established by the MCF Board was the Morton Education Fund (to benefit any educational purpose that benefited Morton area residents), the Morton School District also desired to establish a fund that would benefit CUSD 709 in particular.  So, they established the Morton CUSD 709 Foundation Fund.  If you would like your donation to benefit specifically the Morton public schools, this is the fund for you.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to this endowment fund, please click the button below for online donations. Or, you can mail a check to 135 S First Avenue, Morton, IL 61550.

**Prefer to make a tax-advantaged gift of stock instead of cash? Visit our stock gifting page.**