Morton Paramedics Local 4952 Charitable Fund
This Donor Advised Fund (DAF) was started in February of 2017 by the Board of Morton Paramedics Local 4952. The purpose of the fund is to make distributions to qualified 501(c)(3) and other not-for-profit organizations in the Morton area.
Through philanthropic efforts, the members of IAFF Local #4952 contribute our time, efforts, and funding of community based charitable objectives within the Village of Morton and the surrounding area.
Through various fundraising efforts, including our annual Morton Paramedics Local #4952 Charitable Foundation Annual Charity Golf Invitational Tournament, money is raised for the purpose of supporting local charities.
Washington tornado clean up, American Red Cross Blood Drive, Salvation Army bell ringing, MDA: Muscular Dystrophy Association, St. Jude Fundraisers, Blood pressure screenings at local retirement centers, donated money to local heroes, and Habitat for Humanity.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to this endowment fund, please click the button below for online donations. Or, you may mail a check to 105 E. Jefferson Street, Morton, IL 61550.... Memo: Morton Paramedics Local 4952 Charitable Fund.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to this endowment fund, please click the button below for online donations. Or, you can mail a check to 135 S First Avenue, Morton, IL 61550.
**Prefer to make a tax-advantaged gift of stock instead of cash? Visit our stock gifting page.**